The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Monday, November 30, 2009

it's a muslim muslim muslim muslim muslim world

The Irish Times has been in fine fettle this week.
First came a false report that the Irish were concerned with immigration.
The report claimed that 75 percent of Irish people wanted controls on immigration.
The report was a black lie.
Most Irish people do not want immigration stopped from our partners or friends.
That means no one here is concerned about immigration from Italy, France, Spain, Russia, China or anywhere else that isn't attempting to conquer the world for Islam.
The only immigration Irish people want stopped is immigration by Muslims.
The Irish Times report about public attitudes to immigration didn't mention Muslims even once.
The Irish Times would prefer to advance the false notion that Irish people are generally racist rather than admit the truth, which is that Irish people want to be protected from the Islamic terror armies intent on conquering us.
Most curious.
Striiiiiiiiiiiiike one.
Nor did the Irish Times in writing about a particularly bloody slaughter on the Philippino island of Mindanao once trouble itself to mention Muslims.
Oh around a hundred people were massacred.
Some of em were raped first.
Some of em had their heads hacked off.
There are clues there if you know where to look.
The Irish Times though was content to say that the murders were the results of clan violence.
Ah yes.
Ye olde clan violence routine.
Like when youths who are all Muslims torch French cities and the Irish Times reports the Islamic conflagrations as "youth unrest over unemployment and social exclusion," without once mentioning that the youths, rioters, looters, arsonists and murderers were all Muslims.
That old gag.
Whatever you do, don't mention Muslims.
I mentioned them once but I think I got away with it.
The Irish Times considered there was no need to trouble people with any details about the essentially Islamic nature of the clan violence on Mindanao.
Mindanao is a region of the Philippines which Muslims have been trying to tear away from the Philippines through terrorist violece for several decades.
The Muslim secessionist movement on Mindanao is now fully integrated into Al Qaeda.
The secessionist movement on the Philippines is an entirely Al Qaeda owned and operated Islamic terror movement.
The Irish Times report of the latest head hacker murders on Mindanao did not once mention Al Qaeda Muslim terror secessionists.
Even if they didn't commit these particular murders they were surely due a mention.
What do you think Irish Times?
A little mention?
A country which allowed Muslims to immigrate as we are doing, is facing an Al Qaeda Muslim terrorist secession movement attempting to detach its southern region.
Surely you should mention the Muslim secessionist movement when a spate of head hacker murders sweep the southern region of the Philippines?
Irish Times?
Head hackers?
Surely due a mention?
Surely you should also mention the Muslim secession movements which have successfully broken off regions from Cyprus and Serbia in the past few years?
Surely you should mention the Muslim secession movement that has inflicted civil war on Thailand while trying to break off a region from that country which allowed Muslims to freely enter and take up citizenship?
Diverse countries Irish Times.
One common variable.
They allowed a few hundred thousand Muslims to in-migrate.
And death followed with them.
But not worth mentioning that.
You might offend the punters, eh Irish Times?
Striiiiiiiiiiiiike two.
Finally, The Irish Times reported during the week that a majority of voters in Switzerland were opposed to a proposed law which would ban Muslim minaret style buildings in the country.
The minaret towers are used by Muslims to call their followers to prayer five times a day beginning at 5am in the morning.
The call to prayer is extremely loud.
Critics like me view the Muslim call to prayer as a modus for the expression of Muslim power and as an explicit cultural tool for intimidating non Muslims.
I had a feeling that the Irish Times figures about Swiss feelings on the matter were incorrect.
The eight million Swiss are currently dealing with half a million Muslim immigrants.
I thought they were unlikely to favour allowing those Muslims to build minarets all over Switzerland.
The Irish Times claimed that 58 percent of Swiss people intended voting against the law in the referendum this weekend.
The Swiss have just voted tonight.
Exactly the opposite of what the Irish Times claimed 58 percent of Swiss would vote for.
Striiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike three Irish Times.
You're out.
Meanwhile in Britain, Sky News continues to pour fascinated and approving attention on the latest attempts at the Iraq War Enquiry to criminalise former Prime Minister Tony Blair for his decisive actions against the Saddam Hussein family murderocracy in Iraq.
The present Iraq War Enquiry is the third such attempt to discredit the war.
Three's a charm.
The surrender merchants will eventually get what they want.
Sky's presenters are earnestly rooting for the criminalisation of Prime Minister Blair, along with an all out surrender in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sky believes the problem was never Islamic Nazi terror armies.
Sky believes the problem was President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their blatent insensitivities to head hackers, child murderers, terrorist airline hijackers, suicide bombers and Muslim mass murderers generally.
Sky believes this because Sky's main income stream now comes from Qatar Airlines which is owned by the royal family of Qatar, the same Arab royal family which funds Al Jazeera, the Muslim Nazi channel.
I kid you not.
It will be a cold day in hell before Sky News ever takes a stand against Muslim expansionism.
And while the media groups of the western world, exemplified in their extreme quisling incompetence by Sky News and The Irish Times, while these twits have been posturing and preening and promoting surrender to the Jihadis...
Al Qaeda on Saturday attacked Russia.
Al Qaeda blew up a train in Russia.
In Russia no less.
Those peace loving Muslims aren't afraid of anybody, are they Sky?
Killed 26 people on the Moscow Petersburgh express.
Wounded a hundred more.
You know folks, the truth still has some currency.
Although you won't hear the truth about any of this on CNN, Sky News, NBC, CBS, ABC, the BBC, Channel Four, RTE, or in the pages of the Irish Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, The Washington Compost, The New York Times et al.
And as a foot note to a very busy weekend for both Al Qaeda and the blind eye media traitors of the west, as a foot note only, but really some foot note as foot notes go, as a foot note I say, those loveable goons in the Islamic Republic of Iran have just declared that they're going to build as many nuclear reactors as they like and the rest of the world can go fish.
Hilarious, no?
I wonder have the Russians given Iran secret guarantees.
That would be a doozie for the fate of the human race.
Russians generally don't regard Muslims with the rose tinted spectacles that are favoured in the Irish Times.
But Vladmir Putin's boys might be seeking short term advantage by trying to farm Iran against America.
They might.
Even while Al Qaeda is bombing trains out of Moscow.
Bloody hell, as my Uncle Peter used to say.
Here is the truth.
A Muslim Nazi terror army threatens the world.
It doesn't matter if it's Syrian, Iranian, vintage Al Qaeda, or some lunaseptic ad mixture of the three.
It's Muslim.
We need to stop them infiltrating and assuming citizenship in our countries.
We need to send them home to Allah.
All of them.


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